© Fazekas Valéria
1957 | Nyíregyháza, Hungary Works and lives in Budapest |
1982 - 1987 | Hungarian Academy of Crafts and Design, Budapest |
1987 - 1988 | Fancy-leather work Factory, designer |
1988 - 1990 | Vocational Secondary School of Arts, art-teacher |
1994 - | V50 Design Art Studio (H-1056 Budapest, Váci u. 50.) Founded and opened the first showroom |
1997 - | V50 Design Art Studio (H-1056 Budapest, Belgrád rkp.16.) Opened the second showroom |
2019 | körforgásban – in circulation: Fazekas Valéria, György Ráth Villa, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest |
2018 | WEINACHTS-AUSTELLUNG, best of‘ Labor im Chor, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany |
2018 | HATS OFF TO HATS! From everyday object of around 1750 to today’s designer creations, Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel |
2016 | MODEZONE, LENTOS Kunstmuseum, Linz |
2015 | Blickfang, MAK, Wien, Austria |
2013 | Modezone, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Austria |
2013 | Blickfang, MAK, Wien, Austria |
2013 | Crossovers – Metszéspontok, Design Terminal, Budapest |
2012 | Weihnachtsausstellung – Labor im Chor, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany |
2012 | Blickfang, MAK, Wien, Austria |
2012 | Blickfang, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany |
2012 | The Craft Market at Tent London, UK |
2012 | The Charm of Accessories, Galéria X, Bratislava, Slovakia |
2012 | Hüte aus Budapest: Valéria Fazekas, Sommerkollektion, Hilde Leiss – Galerie für Schmuck, Hamburg, Germany |
2010 | “a kiss, a hat, a stamp”: installation by Diango Hernández in collaboration with Valéria Fazekas, Blood Mountain Foundation, Budapest |
2010 | Blickfang, Kongresshaus, Zürich, Switzerland |
2010 | Blickfang, MAK, Wien, Austria |
2010 | TimeTravel: Valéria Fazekas, Mākslas galerija PUTTI, Riga, Latvia (solo) |
2010 | DRAUFANGELEGT: Valéria Fazekas – Claudia Hoppe, Galerie Detail3, Düsseldorf, Germany (solo) |
2009 | Blickfang, Kongresshaus, Zürich, Switzerland |
2009 | Blickfang, MAK, Wien, Austria |
2009 | Chapeau Création, Atelier Musée du Chapeau, Chazelles sur Lyon, France |
2008 | Overpowered: Claude Schmitz – Valéria Fazekas, Galeria Reverso, Lisboa, Portugal (solo) |
2008 | Haupt-Stätte: Skulpturen für den Kopf, Kalivod'Art, Vienna, Austria (solo) |
2008 | Havana Mask Dance #2 Featuring the Red Bag Anticipating the Red Hat, Galerie V&V, Wien, Austria |
2008 | Blickfang, Kongresshaus, Zürich, Switzerland |
2008 | Blickfang, MAK, Wien, Austria |
2008 | Winter Angewandte Kunst, Accessories und Mode, Kalivod'Art, Wien, Austria |
2008 - 2010 | Fürstliches Hallali, Burg Forchtenstein, Sammlungen der Fürsten Esterházy, Austria |
2007 | Blickfang, MAK, Wien, Austria |
2006 | Galeria Reverso, Lisboa, Portugal Galeria V&V, Wien, Austria |
2005 | Galeria Reverso, Lisboa, Portugal Galeria V&V, Wien, Austria |
2004 | Hatsculptures, Valéria Fazekas, Szent István Király Múzeum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary (solo) Galeria Reverso, Lisboa, Portugal The month of the textile, V.A.M.Design, Budapest, Hungary |
2002 | METAMORPHOSES, Atelier-Musee du Chapeau, Lyon, France |
2001 | Next Galerie, Leiden, The Nederlands (solo) Applied Arts, Mucsarnok, Budapest, Hungary |
2000 | Hungarian Consulate, New York, USA (solo) APA INI?, Portland, USA Blickfang, Kongresshaus, Zürich, Switzerland |
1999 | Hat installation 4, V50 Design Art Studio, Budapest, Hungary (solo) |
1997 | Hat installation 3, V50 Design Art Studio, Budapest, Hungary (solo) |
1996 | Avantgarde Fashion Designers, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary |
1995 | V.A.M.Design, Budapest, Hungary (solo) |
1991 | Accessorires, Sofie Lachaert and groep, Cultureel Centrum Luchtbal, Antwerpen, Belgium CONFIGURA 1, Kunst in Europa, Erfurt, Germany BODY-ORNAMENT, Budapest Galéria, Budapest, Hungary |
1990 | Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Gent, Belgium OFFLINE, Petőfi Csarnok, Budapest, Hungary Fashion and Spectacle, Ernst Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary Hat intstallation 2, Pál Gyula Terem, Nyíregyháza, Hungary (solo) |
1989 | OFFLINE, Wiener Hofburg, Wien, Austria Hat installation 1, Ferencvárosi Pincegaléria, Budapest, Hungary (solo) |
1988 | Cuir and Creation, Hotel Pégayrolles musée place du marché, Millau, France Cuir and Creation, Institut Hungrois, Paris, France |
V50 Design Art Studio
H-1056 Budapest, Váci u. 50.
m-fr: 10-18 sat: 10-16
T/F: 00 361 3375 320
H-1056 Budapest, Belgrád rkp. 16.
The works of designer Valéria Fazekas cast a light on the permeability between the various fields of fine and applied arts, and the correlations between functionality and pure aesthetics, decorativeness and sculpture. Her most recent works - headwear objects - reflect perfectly her convictions as a designer: her hats are simultaneously apparel accessories and objects, pieces that possess an emphatic sculptural quality. By her own admission, her artistic work is imbued with an inclination for Constructivism directed toward elementary geometric spatial forms. Variability, movement and playfulness play just as important a role in her objects as the dynamic balance between symmetry and asymmetry. In accordance with her experimental temperament, she is interested in the association of diverse materials, colours and textures, as well as the dynamism of structures. Consequently, in some of her works, the structure built up of basic forms is paired with an intentional perspective of multiple views, while others comprise an interplay between the pure forms and colours with the surfaces.Xénia Golub art historian
Fazekas is renowned for her unique approach to both art and life. Following her studies at the Hungarian Academy of Crafts and Design (1987), her early work focused on leather and wearable objects of all shapes and sizes, before turning the language of head wear into her speciality. Her diverse use of materials, textures and colours is coupled with a signature style of multi-dimensional perspetive: allowing her simple geometric forms to be considered from varied possibilities.Jade Niklai Blood Mountain Foundation
Fazekas Valéria kalapjai éppen úgy használati tárgyak, mint amennyire szobrok, viselhető képzőművészeti munkák, plasztikus filozófiai alkotások.Trencsényi Zoltán Népszabadság Magazin
Dekorativ, originell und vielfach auch variabel tragbar sind die Hüte von Valéria Fazekas. Manche weisen zudem eine skulpturale Qualität auf und hinterfragen humorvoll die Grenzen zwischen angewandten und freien Künsten. Die Textildesignerin aus Budapest liebt den Konstruktivismus “in Richtung elementarer räumlicher Formen”, sagt sie. Doch weisen ihre limitierten Editionen, manchmal in knallig gefärbtem Kaninchenfell mit witzigen Dellen, Beulen, Knubbeln und anderen Auswüchsen, auch organische und kubistische Züge auf. Bei ihren Unikaten mixt Valéria Fazekas mit experimentellem Temperament Materialen, Farben und Texturen.Art Aurea (DE)
Hats made from coiled and shaped three-dimensional circles are at once magically freewheeling and severely sophisticated.Jacqueline Ruyak Ornament (USA)
Kalap-szobrai egyaránt látszanak szerénynek és nagyvonalúnak, alig észrevehetőnek és kackiásan rátartinak; természetük a mélyben valóban egyesíti ezeket a tulajdonságokat.Kovalovszky Márta Kalap-szobrok (kiállításkatalógus)